EXHIBITION DATES  August 27th  - October 2nd, 2005

Jesse Reichek's primary source for the 64 paintings
in this series, done between 1976 and 1979, was: 


The Richard Wilhelm translation from Chinese into German
Rendered into English by Cary
F. Baynes 

The "I Ching", or "Book of Changes", has exerted a living influence in China for more than three thousand years. Written before the Bible, interest in it has been growing in the West for the past century. First set down in the dawn of history as a book of oracles, it became a book of wisdom, eventually one of the Five Classics of Confucianism, and provided the common source for both Confucianist and Taoist philosophy. 

The "I Ching" is composed of 64 six-line figures (hexagrams), each line being either broken or unbroken, changing or unchanging, expressing the yin and yang of Chinese life experience gathered over thousands of years. The hexagrams, illuminated by the text, are images of all that happens. They present the potential of any life situation. At the same time, they are held to be in a state of continual transition, one changing into another, just as the transition from one phenomenon to another is continually taking place in the physical world. 

Adjacent to each painting is its corresponding diagram, Mandarin character, and excerpt from Wilhelm's edition of the "I Ching". 

Presented with permission of the Princeton University Press-Bollingen Series.

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The following photographs of the exhibition were taken by Jonathan Reichek:


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Works from 1947 to 2005

Creators Equity Foundation
5925 Red Hill Road • Petaluma, Ca • 94952
PHONE:  (510) 514-8188  •  --
email:  reichek@dslextreme.com

website address:   www.reichek.org