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August 27, 2005 - August 13, 2006

Opening Celebration: August 27, 2005: 4:00pm - 7:00pm 
                                           Wine, Cheese and Music.

With each new exhibit series there will be wine and cheese, free of charge, on the first Saturday following the opening.

The Retrospective presents to the public for the first time nearly 2000, of 3000, paintings created by Jesse Reichek from 1947-2005.  The exhibition is in a 6,500-square-foot early 1940's, remodeled for the purpose, building at the historic, and beautiful,  Marin French Cheese Company.  The exhibition is open to the public for twelve months and is free of charge -a free 34pp color catalogue is available at the door. The first in the series of exhibits is the massive I Ching series -sixty four 9’x6’ paintings inspired by the ancient I Ching - known worldwide as The Book of Changes. Written in China over five thousand years ago, it is one of the oldest books ever written.

A new series of Jesse Reichek's works will be hung, on a rotating basis, every 7 weeks. This will include the astounding more than 800 painting inspired by the worlds great myths of CreationMortality-Immortality, and Death.    

The exhibition schedule:

Ø      I Ching   August 27  - October 2, 2005

Ø      Kabalah  October 20 - December 11, 2005 **  extended schedule

Ø      Creation  January 5 - February 19, 2006

Ø      Mortality-Immortality March 9 - April 16, 2006

Ø      Death  May 4 - June 18, 2006

Ø      Song of Songs  June 29 - August 13, 2006

The exhibition provides a space of contemplation, and enjoyment, where people may talk and exchange ideas and thoughts.  a CD introducing  Reichek’s work from 1947-2005 will be shown in high resolution on a 50" plasma screen regularly during open hours. 

The  Retrospective seeks  to engage local communities, and particularly children and youth, in an ongoing program of art education and inspiration with events during the Retrospective, as well as school programs and curriculum. The Retrospective welcomes community initiatives -determined by sponsors and supporters.  The Retrospective offers an ongoing legacy addressing the creative and spiritual needs of the community.

If you are interested in an intern position, our would like to be a docent  for the exhibit or help in other ways, please contact  Creators Equity Foundation via email or by phone, please call 510-514-8188 or 707-762-3350..

Special presentations and talks, with spectacular CD shows of Reichek’s works can be arranged for your school, community organization, or other occasions.

Open Thursday - Sunday: 1 - 5 PM
or By  Appointment.

The exhibition is FREE, as is the 34 page color catalogue.

In addition to award winning cheeses other Delicious locally made foods, snacks, and beverages are available at the Cheese Factory.



Works from 1947 to 2005

Creators Equity Foundation
5925 Red Hill Road • Petaluma, Ca • 94952
PHONE:  (510) 514-8188  •  --

website address:


























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